Enrolled Membership
Enrolled families can attend classes, activities, field trips, and workshops scheduled. They also receive legal coverage from Franklin School, record keeping, transcripts, diploma program, high school dual enrollment at UAH or Calhoun, school t-shirts at cost, yearbook at cost, access to website and email lists, access to online educational guides, and a certified teacher available for advice through email, and/or in person meetings.

Requirements of Enrolled Families
One Time Application Fee of $25.00 (This covers the admission's meeting)
Adult/Parent/Teacher must supervise children at all times during public school hours
Yearly Registration Fee $40 per family ($30 if paid by May 31st)
170 days of school a year (school year from August 1 till July 31)
Tuition payments made on time. (see tuition schedule below)
Monthly Reports due on time - monthly reports must be sent by email. (August’s monthly report is due September 5th, etc.)
End of the year meeting with the director is required to prepare school records and transcripts, however the director is always available by email or for an in person meeting at any time a family needs assistance.
Appropriate behavior as outlined in the participant and behavior contract
What Tuition Provides for Enrolled Families
Legal means to homeschool through Franklin School
Certified teacher with over thirty years of homeschooling experience available for assistance and consultations through in person meetings and email contact. This assistance can be in the form of help with choosing curriculum, learning methods, support, and aid through the whole homeschooling process
Permanent records and transcripts overseen by a certified teacher
Permanent records sent to colleges and universities upon request
Dual Enrollment Program For high school students with both Calhoun and UAHuntsville
Optional high school diploma program- Includes the assistance of at least 3 other experienced homeschool parents and the director, and a framed diploma.
Monthly calendar of events
Detailed outline of classes offered online.
Field trips (additional fees may apply to these)
Educational fairs and Holiday Parties.
Classes - A minimum of three classes are offered a week - A class for K- 3rd, a class for 4th-7th, and a class for 7th-12th.
Parent workshops and discussions on homeschooling offered.
Play dates and/or informal get-togethers are offered.
Webpage, an email list, a Facebook pages, and a Facebook group to join
Franklin School Information List (Moderated list only for Franklin School members used exclusively for information about Franklin School. You must be approved to join)
Shenanigans and Hooligans is a closed Facebook page open only to Franklin School families. This group is for posting information about Franklin School field trips, community activities, impromptu play dates, and asking questions about curriculum or other homeschool issues. You will receive an invitation to join this list when you enroll.
Tuition Schedule
Enrolled Basic Tuition - $150 per semester per family
Payments Due August 1st and December 5th
This tuition covers legal coverage, taking care of your attendance, monthly reports, transcripts, and records. I also report your enrollment in a church school yearly with the superintendent. I will also do transcript requests for free and prepare letters of recommendation to anyone that takes classes with us that is a good student with appropriate behavior. You may email or meet in person with Sue Bacon, a certified and experienced teacher with over 40 years of experience at anytime. You may also come to any field trips we plan at cost. This also covers one in person end of the year meeting to prepare transcripts, evaluate your year, answer any questions you have, or assist with your homeschooling journey. You'll also have access to DVDS, kits, and science equipment such as microscopes, and math manipulatives you are allowed to check out on a monthly basis. You also have online access to the Homeschooling Guides I have published. If we schedule playdates, fairs, or holiday parties you are also free to attend free of charge (you may be asked to bring a food or beverage to a party).
Diploma Program - $50 a year.
Minimum of 2 years in the program to get a diploma from Franklin School. If you choose to serve on the diploma committee that year is free for your student.
Class Information - We have a maximum of 12 students per class (first come first serve, with enrolled families getting first go at signing up) and a minimum of 8 students in each class we offer. If we reach our maximum students of 12 we will put you on a waiting list.
Interested in being a teacher aide in a class for reduced fee on classes? Contact Sue Bacon.
Procedure for applying to be an enrolled family in the school
Fill out our application for admissions
Include a check for the application fee of $25 per family (one time fee) with these above two forms mailed to the school’s address OR request to be invoiced through PayPal
You will be emailed to arrange an admission interview with your family
You will receive notification as to whether or not you have been accepted by the next day from the director
Please send your Admissions application with your $25 check or money order payable to:
Susan Bacon
6203 Stratford Court
Huntsville, AL 35806
If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to email Sue Bacon at